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    Lighting Upgrades

    Lighting Upgrades and Repair

    Upgrading Your Lighting

    Updating your lighting can greatly benefit your home and save you lots of money in the long haul. With a little investment, lighting upgrades can result in tremendous savings in operating cost. An upgraded lighting system can reduce your energy consumption resulting in less money spent on your electric bill. The electrical energy that you use equals the power times the hours that you use it. By upgrading your lighting, you are reducing your system’s energy use. Energy not used, is money saved.

    Common Lighting Upgrades

    Simple measures such as reducing ambient light levels can result in a decrease in wattage used which will save you money over the course of the year. Some methods used to decrease ambient light levels include: specular reflectors, dimming, current limiters, lamp/ballast removal, and using lower-wattage lamps. If you need to maintain higher levels of lighting than you should consider switching to more energy-efficient lamps which put out less wattage than traditional lighting.

    Reduce Lighting Hours of Use

    Along with reduced wattages through energy efficient lighting you also need to reduce your hours of use. You should consider hiring the electrical professionals here at GPS Electrical Service to install energy management control systems, daylight-dimming ballasts, and occupancy sensors to control the hours your lighting is used. By eliminating your energy waste, you can not only increase the value of your home but also save yourself lots of money.

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